Digital Transformation Awards

Alex Roebuck
Senior Consultant, Boost
Which are the best digital transformation awards to enter?
Digital transformation awards have seen an unprecedented increase in recent years; the pressures of the pandemic have shaped a new business landscape in which technology-driven change is the key to success, sparking a paradigm shift in the role of IT specialists from ‘reactive facilitators’ to ‘transformation enablers’.
In a nutshell, digital transformation is any fundamental change to the way a business operates, specifically involving technology. Whilst once this term was seen as distinct from the more general concept of ‘business transformation’, they are now arguably one and the same. These days any such ‘fundamental changes to business operation’ inevitably feature technology.
Whatever your opinion, digital transformation has become a necessity for businesses today. Global spend on digital transformation initiatives is expected to reach an all-time high of $6.8 Trillion by 2023, and with more than half of all organisations prioritising business transformation it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out as an innovator, in a sea of other innovators.
We’re no strangers to digital transformation ourselves, having built the world’s most comprehensive awards database and unique, cloud-based planning tool to support our expert awards team. As the world’s first and largest award writing consultancy, we’ve developed our own in-house technologies to ensure we remain at the forefront of the awards industry. We guide the world’s best businesses, helping them to stand out by selecting, entering, and wining the most prestigious awards on the planet, including many for ‘Digital Transformation Project of the Year’ and ‘Partner of the Year Awards’ for Microsoft, AWS and Google Cloud Platform among others.
In this article we explore the four main types of digital transformation and suggest some of the best initiative and industry-specific awards to enter for your business.
Types of digital transformation
There are four broadly accepted types of digital transformation:
Process transformation
This refers to reinventing or improving business processes for greater efficiency, and can be achieved through automation, simplification or enhancement of existing processes. Process transformation can also incorporate systems upgrades, better data collection, cloud-based or AI-driven solutions or replacements to older processes.
If you have successfully transformed one of your business processes, it’s worth considering The Global OPEX and Business Transformation Awards, ‘Best Process Transformation Project Under 90 Days’ category. The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards are another excellent choice.
Business model transformation
Any business embarking on a programme of business model transformation will be making fundamental changes to the way in which they operate. Business model transformations deal with new, innovative ways of working to challenge industry norms. A physical store migrating to an online-only model is an example of this.
Usually, a business model transformation is a herculean task, with awards such as those above and Scotland’s Herald Digital Transformation Awards, specifically the ‘Digitally transformed business’ category giving recognition for those resilient enough to survive and thrive throughout the process.
The Computing Digital Technology Leaders Awards have several categories dedicated to these achievements, including ‘Digital Transformation of the Year’ for both large organisations and SME’s.
Domain transformation
Unlocking new markets, creating novel product niches or bending existing business capabilities to new purposes, Domain transformation refers to the redefinition of traditional products and services. Domain transformation isn’t necessarily limited to repurposing existing capabilities to already existing markets, it can be the creation of entirely new markets based on novel service or products being used in hitherto untried ways.
This is a space in which we expect to see huge growth in the coming years, with categories such as ‘best use of innovation’ and ‘tech company of the year’ in multiple size categories available to entrants of the Global Business Tech Awards (Or the associated UK Business Tech Awards) in addition to the international IDC Future Enterprise Awards’ suite of ‘Best in Future’ awards rewarding forward-thinking industry trailblazers with compelling domain and digital transformation stories.

“Domain transformation is the redefinition of traditional products and services…the creation of entirely new markets based on novel services or products.”
Cultural / organisational transformation
A significant challenge for most businesses, organisational or cultural transformation requires investment in employee education, either delivered through novel digital technologies or as a means of integrating other digital transformation initiatives from the above categories. Cultural change requires a concerted effort on the part of every business member to truly effect long-term positive transformation.
The KPMG Digital Transformation Awards’ ‘Best Cultural transformation’ category, their Canadian equivalent awards, or the aforementioned Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards’ ‘Best Achievement in Cultural Transformation & Sustainability to deliver a high performing Enterprise Excellence culture’ categories are ideal for businesses who have undergone such dramatic changes for the better.
Special mention – cloud and other tech-specific transformations
Any and all of the above types of business transformation or digital transformation can be affected or accelerated through the use of specific technologies, and there are a range of categories in the awards mentioned so far which focus on these enabling mechanisms.
Achievements in cloud tech solutions are represented well by the Digital Revolution Awards, which showcase achievements and contributions to AWS, Google and Microsoft communities in addition to recognising outstanding achievements of partnered businesses through their ‘Microsoft Partner of the Year’, ‘AWS Partner of the Year’, and ‘Google Partner of the Year’ categories.
The UK’s National Technology Awards boast a range of categories suited to specific technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Cyber Security and Virtual or Augmented Reality product(s) of the year, with the international Business Excellence, or Globee Awards open to any entrant with a compelling transformation or technology success story.
Industry-specific business transformation awards
Technology and communications
It goes without saying that in the tech industry, digital transformation is at the forefront if not ingrained so completely as to be one and the same. In addition to most of the awards mentioned above, the IT World Awards are a great example of a global award that can be entered by any tech or IT-centric business that has set an industry benchmark for excellence.
The prestigious UK IT industry Awards recognise both high-performing individuals and teams in the UK IT industry, with a dedicated ‘Digital Transformation Project of the Year’ category. The Computing Technology Product Awards and The Computing Digital Technology Leaders Awards both look to reward high performing teams and successful digital transformation initiatives, partnerships and the development or implementation of digital transformation products.
Meanwhile, platform providers host their own digital transformation awards for regional business partners, such as the RegTech Insight Awards for Europe and the US, which stand alongside the Asia-Pacific centred Red Hat APAC Innovation Awards.
Internationally, the Qlik Global Transformation Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of Qlik partners, with plenty of other options for any tech company or partnership with bespoke digital transformation products: The Digital Transformation Awards and The Digital Revolution Awards all focus on the contributions made by tech companies to their partners or the digital transformation field as a whole.
As an industry with clear incentives for adopting cutting-edge technologies and processes, finance has been incredibly quick to embrace digital transformation initiatives, and in many cases is setting the standard of excellence for other industries. Any of the technology & communications awards listed above are viable awards for finance companies to enter, either as developers of their own solutions or in partnership with tech consultancies.
For finance-specific transformation success stories the FSTech Awards have a broad range of categories. The Global Private Banking Innovation Awards include categories for digital innovation, AI and big data, and most innovative fintech solution, whilst the BAI Global Innovation Awards allow entries for any successful improvement initiative. For a more detailed overview of Fintech options, read our Guide to Fintech Awards.
The Celent MODEL Sell Side Awards are one of many finance industry awards that recognise digital transformation across a wide range of categories, such as data management, Front to back office operations/systems/platforms, legacy modernization and more. The FTF News Technology Innovation Awards cater to similar achievements, with the addition of more specifically titled categories, such as ‘Best cloud-native computing initiative’ and a host of other targeted awards for finance entities and their partners alike.
Human resources and learning & development
Usually open to HR/L&D specialist businesses and HR/L&D initiatives within any industry, these awards recognise innovation and achievement on any level, from individual to international. The Association for Learning Technology hosts the ALT Awards annually in the UK, which are open to international entrants who have set a benchmark for outstanding achievements in Learning Technology on a national scale.
In a similar vein, the very popular international Learning Technologies Awards celebrate ‘outstanding learning technologies worldwide’ for those businesses with truly excellent results in sector and platform specific categories including ‘Most Innovative New Learning Technologies Product’ and ‘Best Learning Technologies Project’, both for the commercial and Public/Non-profit sectors.
We can also once again recommend the Global OPEX and Business Transformation Awards for their ‘Best Achievement in Transforming Organizational Culture’ category, which, as we’ve mentioned, usually requires a significant educational investment on the part of any business.
For international applicants the Business Culture Awards celebrate measurable cultural impacts within organisations, with their own ‘Best Business Transformation Initiative’ category open to applicants from any industry.
Finally, the ‘HR Excellence Awards’ have a presence across Asia, with awards ceremonies for Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia all including an ‘Excellence in Business Transformation’ category.
For further information our guide ‘Which training awards should I enter?’ includes a comprehensive list, relevant to almost any achievement.
Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
The International Technology Enabled Care (ITEC) Awards are international awards with entry by any business which has delivered significant benefits in healthcare for users, carers and communities, as well as for commissioners and providers. Their ‘Transformation Award’ is particularly relevant to any business which has undergone or facilitated digital transformation initiatives.
With a focus on healthcare technologies and a diverse range of categories for entrants, the Health Tech Digital Awards are likely to have something for any entrant with a compelling transformation story, including the most relevant category; ‘Digital Transformation Project of the Year’. They too are open to entrants from across the globe.
Retail and manufacturing
With their industries rocked by the global pandemic, businesses within the retail and manufacturing sectors have had to implement some radical adaptations in order to survive, with many businesses undertaking significant digital transformation in order to remain in business.
The awards industry is well aware of this, with the USA’s Manufacturing Leadership Awards open to international applicants with digital transformation success stories. Categories include ‘Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning’, ‘Digital Supply Chains’, ‘Transformational Business Cultures’, and more.
On a more specialised note, awards such as the IoT Breakthrough Awards cater to manufacturers, suppliers and developers of IoT products in a broad range of categories including broad category headers such as Home, Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Component, and M2M.
The Food and Drink industries have access to similar schemes, such as the Food & Drink federation’s FDF Awards, which celebrate innovation, competitiveness and talent within the industry in addition to having a dedicated ‘Digital Transformation’ category.
PR and marketing
Whilst the PR & marketing sectors often concern themselves with the promotion and positive image of others, there are several awarding bodies dedicated to recognising the achievements of these businesses.
The international Drum Awards have dedicated marketing awards for a vast range of industries, including Digital, Marketing, and B2B to name a few. Each have their own digital or business transformation related categories such as ‘Best Digital Transformation’, ‘Best Response to Change’ and ‘Most Effective Digital Transformation Initiative’ respectively. With associated Drum awards for Search, Online Media, Design and PR, there really is an award for everyone with a success story to tell, however that relates to business or digital transformation.
Another ‘Excellence in Digital Transformation’ category is available to entrants of the ACEF Global and Asian Awards for Branding and Marketing, among others, all geared toward international applicants who have worked on successful campaigns
Public sector and third sector
With the nature of their relationship to income and profit differing from independent businesses, public and third-sector businesses are exposed to unique challenges and situations which necessitate specialist awards and categories, although as with all other industries the topic of digital transformation remains ubiquitous as seen in the following awards:
The Charity Times Awards’ ‘Change Project of the Year’ category is open to international charity applicants with compelling transformation stories, with additional related categories available depending on the nature and results of the transformation initiative.
Perhaps most relevant to this topic, the UK-based iESE Public Sector Transformation Awards deal exclusively with public sector organisations and their efforts in improving and transforming local public services. Their categories all relate to the topic of business or digital transformation, with ‘Best Transformation Team’ and ‘Transformation in Health and Social care’ especially relevant.
Another UK-based award, the Smarter Working Live Awards celebrate a range of transformation initiatives with dedicated ‘Digital Transformation’ and ‘Automation, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning’ categories.
The construction, engineering and architecture industries have been subject to just as much change in recent years as others, with transformation almost a rite of passage through the difficult times brought by the pandemic.
Within the UK the Building Innovation Awards ‘Best Digital Transformation’ category and the CABE Built Environment Awards’ ‘Digital Transformation’ category are open to eligible businesses, whilst international businesses can apply to the recently launched, Dubai-based Big 5 Construction Impact Awards ‘Digital transformation of the Year’ category.
As with other industries, construction businesses are not limited to industry-specific categories for recognition of their transformation initiatives, as any compelling story can be entered into the awards listed in our ‘types of digital transformation’ section above.
Other industries
Any business with a transformation success story should bear in mind the already mentioned KPMG Digital Transformation Awards; these industry-agnostic awards focus exclusively on digital transformation in all forms – if your industry or specialism isn’t listed above but you have a success story to tell, these are the awards for you.
Entering an award for digital transformation
Hopefully that has given you some food for thought about the many digital transformation awards available. Entering any business award should not be done lightly; you will be in competition with some of the best your industry has to offer, so pick carefully to ensure you are entering an award that is ‘right’ for both your achievements and your brand.
You will need to tell a compelling story, backed up by strong evidence of the positive impacts your transformation initiative has had on your people, your business, your clients, or even your industry. A well-written entry will grab the judges’ attention with a unique story or angle, and keep it with a well-evidenced, clear and logical explanation of the outcome.
Boost Awards – top tips for entering digital transformation awards |
Whatever your achievements, we recommend structuring award entries with a clear set of objectives or challenges, followed by the story of your innovations or solutions and ultimately a summary of how those initial objectives were met or exceeded. Make sure to fully answer any of the organiser’s questions and try to hit every element of marking criteria (you can always ask organisers for this in advance of submitting your entry). Avoid ‘marketing speak’ or hyperbole, and focus on providing strong, comprehensive evidence to back up your claims. If you would like any assistance planning your award entry strategy, at Boost we have over a decade of awards industry expertise to benefit you. |
At Boost Awards we specialise in using technology to guide our clients through every step of the award entry process. From selecting the right awards to enter from our 5,000-strong awards database, to creating bespoke surveys and gathering powerful evidence of success, to writing compelling, targeted entries to awards, we have a proven track record of excellence.
We are unique in this field; as the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy we have helped our clients win a combined total of over 2,000 credible business awards to date. Whatever your region, industry, specialism, or story, we can help you maximise your chances of winning. Call us at Boost today for a no-obligation chat about awards.
If you prefer I would be happy to give you a call to help you double check your chances of success and explain our pricing options. You can contact Boost via our contact form or email me directly via
I look forward to hearing from you and helping you win awards.
(C) This article was written by Alex Roebuck and is the intellectual property of award entry consultants Boost Awards
Digital Transformation Awards

Alex Roebuck
Senior Consultant, Boost
Which are the best digital transformation awards to enter?
Digital transformation awards have seen an unprecedented increase in recent years; the pressures of the pandemic have shaped a new business landscape in which technology-driven change is the key to success, sparking a paradigm shift in the role of IT specialists from ‘reactive facilitators’ to ‘transformation enablers’.
In a nutshell, digital transformation is any fundamental change to the way a business operates, specifically involving technology. Whilst once this term was seen as distinct from the more general concept of ‘business transformation’, they are now arguably one and the same. These days any such ‘fundamental changes to business operation’ inevitably feature technology.
Whatever your opinion, digital transformation has become a necessity for businesses today. Global spend on digital transformation initiatives is expected to reach an all-time high of $6.8 Trillion by 2023, and with more than half of all organisations prioritising business transformation it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out as an innovator, in a sea of other innovators.
We’re no strangers to digital transformation ourselves, having built the world’s most comprehensive awards database and unique, cloud-based planning tool to support our expert awards team. As the world’s first and largest award writing consultancy, we’ve developed our own in-house technologies to ensure we remain at the forefront of the awards industry. We guide the world’s best businesses, helping them to stand out by selecting, entering, and wining the most prestigious awards on the planet, including many for ‘Digital Transformation Project of the Year’ and ‘Partner of the Year Awards’ for Microsoft, AWS and Google Cloud Platform among others.
In this article we explore the four main types of digital transformation and suggest some of the best initiative and industry-specific awards to enter for your business.
Types of digital transformation
There are four broadly accepted types of digital transformation:
Process transformation
This refers to reinventing or improving business processes for greater efficiency, and can be achieved through automation, simplification or enhancement of existing processes. Process transformation can also incorporate systems upgrades, better data collection, cloud-based or AI-driven solutions or replacements to older processes.
If you have successfully transformed one of your business processes, it’s worth considering The Global OPEX and Business Transformation Awards, ‘Best Process Transformation Project Under 90 Days’ category. The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards are another excellent choice.
Business model transformation
Any business embarking on a programme of business model transformation will be making fundamental changes to the way in which they operate. Business model transformations deal with new, innovative ways of working to challenge industry norms. A physical store migrating to an online-only model is an example of this.
Usually, a business model transformation is a herculean task, with awards such as those above and Scotland’s Herald Digital Transformation Awards, specifically the ‘Digitally transformed business’ category giving recognition for those resilient enough to survive and thrive throughout the process.
The Computing Digital Technology Leaders Awards have several categories dedicated to these achievements, including ‘Digital Transformation of the Year’ for both large organisations and SME’s.
Domain transformation
Unlocking new markets, creating novel product niches or bending existing business capabilities to new purposes, Domain transformation refers to the redefinition of traditional products and services. Domain transformation isn’t necessarily limited to repurposing existing capabilities to already existing markets, it can be the creation of entirely new markets based on novel service or products being used in hitherto untried ways.
This is a space in which we expect to see huge growth in the coming years, with categories such as ‘best use of innovation’ and ‘tech company of the year’ in multiple size categories available to entrants of the Global Business Tech Awards (Or the associated UK Business Tech Awards) in addition to the international IDC Future Enterprise Awards’ suite of ‘Best in Future’ awards rewarding forward-thinking industry trailblazers with compelling domain and digital transformation stories.

“Domain transformation is the redefinition of traditional products and services…the creation of entirely new markets based on novel services or products.”
Cultural / organisational transformation
A significant challenge for most businesses, organisational or cultural transformation requires investment in employee education, either delivered through novel digital technologies or as a means of integrating other digital transformation initiatives from the above categories. Cultural change requires a concerted effort on the part of every business member to truly effect long-term positive transformation.
The KPMG Digital Transformation Awards’ ‘Best Cultural transformation’ category, their Canadian equivalent awards, or the aforementioned Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards’ ‘Best Achievement in Cultural Transformation & Sustainability to deliver a high performing Enterprise Excellence culture’ categories are ideal for businesses who have undergone such dramatic changes for the better.
Special mention – cloud and other tech-specific transformations
Any and all of the above types of business transformation or digital transformation can be affected or accelerated through the use of specific technologies, and there are a range of categories in the awards mentioned so far which focus on these enabling mechanisms.
Achievements in cloud tech solutions are represented well by the Digital Revolution Awards, which showcase achievements and contributions to AWS, Google and Microsoft communities in addition to recognising outstanding achievements of partnered businesses through their ‘Microsoft Partner of the Year’, ‘AWS Partner of the Year’, and ‘Google Partner of the Year’ categories.
The UK’s National Technology Awards boast a range of categories suited to specific technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Cyber Security and Virtual or Augmented Reality product(s) of the year, with the international Business Excellence, or Globee Awards open to any entrant with a compelling transformation or technology success story.
Industry-specific business transformation awards
Technology and communications
It goes without saying that in the tech industry, digital transformation is at the forefront if not ingrained so completely as to be one and the same. In addition to most of the awards mentioned above, the IT World Awards are a great example of a global award that can be entered by any tech or IT-centric business that has set an industry benchmark for excellence.
The prestigious UK IT industry Awards recognise both high-performing individuals and teams in the UK IT industry, with a dedicated ‘Digital Transformation Project of the Year’ category. The Computing Technology Product Awards and The Computing Digital Technology Leaders Awards both look to reward high performing teams and successful digital transformation initiatives, partnerships and the development or implementation of digital transformation products.
Meanwhile, platform providers host their own digital transformation awards for regional business partners, such as the RegTech Insight Awards for Europe and the US, which stand alongside the Asia-Pacific centred Red Hat APAC Innovation Awards.
Internationally, the Qlik Global Transformation Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of Qlik partners, with plenty of other options for any tech company or partnership with bespoke digital transformation products: The Digital Transformation Awards and The Digital Revolution Awards all focus on the contributions made by tech companies to their partners or the digital transformation field as a whole.
As an industry with clear incentives for adopting cutting-edge technologies and processes, finance has been incredibly quick to embrace digital transformation initiatives, and in many cases is setting the standard of excellence for other industries. Any of the technology & communications awards listed above are viable awards for finance companies to enter, either as developers of their own solutions or in partnership with tech consultancies.
For finance-specific transformation success stories the FSTech Awards have a broad range of categories. The Global Private Banking Innovation Awards include categories for digital innovation, AI and big data, and most innovative fintech solution, whilst the BAI Global Innovation Awards allow entries for any successful improvement initiative. For a more detailed overview of Fintech options, read our Guide to Fintech Awards.
The Celent MODEL Sell Side Awards are one of many finance industry awards that recognise digital transformation across a wide range of categories, such as data management, Front to back office operations/systems/platforms, legacy modernization and more. The FTF News Technology Innovation Awards cater to similar achievements, with the addition of more specifically titled categories, such as ‘Best cloud-native computing initiative’ and a host of other targeted awards for finance entities and their partners alike.
Human resources and learning & development
Usually open to HR/L&D specialist businesses and HR/L&D initiatives within any industry, these awards recognise innovation and achievement on any level, from individual to international. The Association for Learning Technology hosts the ALT Awards annually in the UK, which are open to international entrants who have set a benchmark for outstanding achievements in Learning Technology on a national scale.
In a similar vein, the very popular international Learning Technologies Awards celebrate ‘outstanding learning technologies worldwide’ for those businesses with truly excellent results in sector and platform specific categories including ‘Most Innovative New Learning Technologies Product’ and ‘Best Learning Technologies Project’, both for the commercial and Public/Non-profit sectors.
We can also once again recommend the Global OPEX and Business Transformation Awards for their ‘Best Achievement in Transforming Organizational Culture’ category, which, as we’ve mentioned, usually requires a significant educational investment on the part of any business.
For international applicants the Business Culture Awards celebrate measurable cultural impacts within organisations, with their own ‘Best Business Transformation Initiative’ category open to applicants from any industry.
Finally, the ‘HR Excellence Awards’ have a presence across Asia, with awards ceremonies for Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia all including an ‘Excellence in Business Transformation’ category.
For further information our guide ‘Which training awards should I enter?’ includes a comprehensive list, relevant to almost any achievement.
Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
The International Technology Enabled Care (ITEC) Awards are international awards with entry by any business which has delivered significant benefits in healthcare for users, carers and communities, as well as for commissioners and providers. Their ‘Transformation Award’ is particularly relevant to any business which has undergone or facilitated digital transformation initiatives.
With a focus on healthcare technologies and a diverse range of categories for entrants, the Health Tech Digital Awards are likely to have something for any entrant with a compelling transformation story, including the most relevant category; ‘Digital Transformation Project of the Year’. They too are open to entrants from across the globe.
Retail and manufacturing
With their industries rocked by the global pandemic, businesses within the retail and manufacturing sectors have had to implement some radical adaptations in order to survive, with many businesses undertaking significant digital transformation in order to remain in business.
The awards industry is well aware of this, with the USA’s Manufacturing Leadership Awards open to international applicants with digital transformation success stories. Categories include ‘Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning’, ‘Digital Supply Chains’, ‘Transformational Business Cultures’, and more.
On a more specialised note, awards such as the IoT Breakthrough Awards cater to manufacturers, suppliers and developers of IoT products in a broad range of categories including broad category headers such as Home, Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Component, and M2M.
The Food and Drink industries have access to similar schemes, such as the Food & Drink federation’s FDF Awards, which celebrate innovation, competitiveness and talent within the industry in addition to having a dedicated ‘Digital Transformation’ category.
PR and marketing
Whilst the PR & marketing sectors often concern themselves with the promotion and positive image of others, there are several awarding bodies dedicated to recognising the achievements of these businesses.
The international Drum Awards have dedicated marketing awards for a vast range of industries, including Digital, Marketing, and B2B to name a few. Each have their own digital or business transformation related categories such as ‘Best Digital Transformation’, ‘Best Response to Change’ and ‘Most Effective Digital Transformation Initiative’ respectively. With associated Drum awards for Search, Online Media, Design and PR, there really is an award for everyone with a success story to tell, however that relates to business or digital transformation.
Another ‘Excellence in Digital Transformation’ category is available to entrants of the ACEF Global and Asian Awards for Branding and Marketing, among others, all geared toward international applicants who have worked on successful campaigns
Public sector and third sector
With the nature of their relationship to income and profit differing from independent businesses, public and third-sector businesses are exposed to unique challenges and situations which necessitate specialist awards and categories, although as with all other industries the topic of digital transformation remains ubiquitous as seen in the following awards:
The Charity Times Awards’ ‘Change Project of the Year’ category is open to international charity applicants with compelling transformation stories, with additional related categories available depending on the nature and results of the transformation initiative.
Perhaps most relevant to this topic, the UK-based iESE Public Sector Transformation Awards deal exclusively with public sector organisations and their efforts in improving and transforming local public services. Their categories all relate to the topic of business or digital transformation, with ‘Best Transformation Team’ and ‘Transformation in Health and Social care’ especially relevant.
Another UK-based award, the Smarter Working Live Awards celebrate a range of transformation initiatives with dedicated ‘Digital Transformation’ and ‘Automation, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning’ categories.
The construction, engineering and architecture industries have been subject to just as much change in recent years as others, with transformation almost a rite of passage through the difficult times brought by the pandemic.
Within the UK the Building Innovation Awards ‘Best Digital Transformation’ category and the CABE Built Environment Awards’ ‘Digital Transformation’ category are open to eligible businesses, whilst international businesses can apply to the recently launched, Dubai-based Big 5 Construction Impact Awards ‘Digital transformation of the Year’ category.
As with other industries, construction businesses are not limited to industry-specific categories for recognition of their transformation initiatives, as any compelling story can be entered into the awards listed in our ‘types of digital transformation’ section above.
Other industries
Any business with a transformation success story should bear in mind the already mentioned KPMG Digital Transformation Awards; these industry-agnostic awards focus exclusively on digital transformation in all forms – if your industry or specialism isn’t listed above but you have a success story to tell, these are the awards for you.
Entering an award for digital transformation
Hopefully that has given you some food for thought about the many digital transformation awards available. Entering any business award should not be done lightly; you will be in competition with some of the best your industry has to offer, so pick carefully to ensure you are entering an award that is ‘right’ for both your achievements and your brand.
You will need to tell a compelling story, backed up by strong evidence of the positive impacts your transformation initiative has had on your people, your business, your clients, or even your industry. A well-written entry will grab the judges’ attention with a unique story or angle, and keep it with a well-evidenced, clear and logical explanation of the outcome.
Boost Awards – top tips for entering digital transformation awards |
Whatever your achievements, we recommend structuring award entries with a clear set of objectives or challenges, followed by the story of your innovations or solutions and ultimately a summary of how those initial objectives were met or exceeded. Make sure to fully answer any of the organiser’s questions and try to hit every element of marking criteria (you can always ask organisers for this in advance of submitting your entry). Avoid ‘marketing speak’ or hyperbole, and focus on providing strong, comprehensive evidence to back up your claims. If you would like any assistance planning your award entry strategy, at Boost we have over a decade of awards industry expertise to benefit you. |
At Boost Awards we specialise in using technology to guide our clients through every step of the award entry process. From selecting the right awards to enter from our 5,000-strong awards database, to creating bespoke surveys and gathering powerful evidence of success, to writing compelling, targeted entries to awards, we have a proven track record of excellence.
We are unique in this field; as the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy we have helped our clients win a combined total of over 2,000 credible business awards to date. Whatever your region, industry, specialism, or story, we can help you maximise your chances of winning. Call us at Boost today for a no-obligation chat about awards.
If you prefer I would be happy to give you a call to help you double check your chances of success and explain our pricing options. You can contact Boost via our contact form or email me directly via
I look forward to hearing from you and helping you win awards.
(C) This article was written by Alex Roebuck and is the intellectual property of award entry consultants Boost Awards
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